68 of 365

In case you are wondering how my Project 365 is going, I will give you an update.  As with most New Year’s resolutions, I started off strong and then lost steam.  However, while I have missed a few days between Jan.1 and now, there are many things that I have captured photos of that I would not have otherwise and I have had my camera out much more frequently than I did before.

Most notably, there are now photos of my kids’ toys and daily activities, as well as the addition of still lifes and landscapes instead of my photos being exclusively portraits.  When you are taking your camera out day after day, it forces you to become creative.  In a mom’s daily life, a little like groundhog day, how do I seek out a new photo opportunity that doesn’t look exactly the same as what I have done for the last 67 days?

Here are some highlights.


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